
I know that may click on the Internet is something we don’t like. So maybe this extra page will make you a little stressed. But let me try to explain why I think is important to be a part of a discussion and dialogue that take you to an understanding. Feeling good and pleased with the situation is something we mostly create ower ourselves. You play a match or are the winner in trivial or make a conclusion for how stupid decision some politicians have been taking will probably feel not so bad. To be a part of a discussion like this will probably be involved with a lot of feelings. And feelings make us may times feel good but also is it a big possibility to feel bad, be angry or disappointed. A good reason for not be a part of a discussion because to get information or other opinions that do not fit your conclusion or opinion can make you disappointed and not feel so good.

What can we do about that? The first is to understand that to have a different opinion doesn’t mean that your is wrong. At the same time it’s a fantastic possibility that makes you think one more time.